Thursday, October 31, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Elements of Religious Traditions - Essay Example For example in the case of Judaism there are two forms of Torah, one is verbal and the other one is written. The Torah that is available in written form has been recognized as Tanakh or even named as the Hebrew Bible. The oral form of Torah has even been found in written form in the shape of Talmud which is a written commentary. On the other hand several religions that are indigenous in nature have not created a written format of their oral teachings. Similarly there are certain religions who do not follow any form of written text or tradition and their religious traditions are found in oral form and have been transferred from one generation to another in that form. The complexity of the verbal traditions is much harder to interpret and understand. Religious Traditions Say The second major issues in the study of religious traditions are to identify what particular teachings or particular stories and texts of a particular religion are trying to teach their members. The issue in identi fying what a particular teaching is trying to convey to its members is whether the teaching is a standard doctrine or a particular teaching is just a myth and have been handed down from one religion to another in verbal manner. What are religious teaching is trying to convey to its followers has certain functions. ... In certain teachings, this has been stated in quite an explicit manner. For example: in the case of religion of Shinto that is practiced in Japan, the birth of Islands in Japan are explained as a divine couple in which Izanagi and Izanami stirred up the floor of the ocean with the assistance of the trident of heaven and the drippings that were an outcome of this activity are recognized as the Islands of Japan (Ashkenazi, 2003, p.173). Their religion further states that the people living in Japan are the descendents of these beings that are semi-divine in nature. Religious Traditions Does The issue of what a particular religious teaching does for its members depends on the themes. One of the themes that religious traditions focus upon is the rituals and behaviors that an individual has to carry out throughout his/her life. These traditions teach their followers about the behaviors they are expected to exhibit as child, adult and as they become seniors. Religious teachings help individ uals throughout different transitions. For example: the vision quest that is a part of the people of Lakota is a story of how Lakota lived as a boy and then as an adult and these teachings inform its members that this is the right way of living their lives and this way will help them experience prosperity. Another major issue related to religious traditions is how these teachings operate to provide its followers with the complete access to what is considered as sacred. For example: In Christianity, winter marks the birth of their God and Christians celebrate this season in shape of Christmas. Religious Traditions Organizes The last issue that a religious tradition sorts to solve is how a particular religion is involved in the process of organizing its leadership. These

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Should regulations for home schools be changed Essay

Should regulations for home schools be changed - Essay Example Homeschooling should be a permissible option, but it should be strictly regulated, not based on academic curriculum but based on some basic skills acquired by a child for normal living. For example, occasional tests can ensure a child is exposed to alternative ideas in religion and culture. Conducting personal interviews with a child to examine its language, general knowledge and math skills are up to the mark will also help. Regulations need not target when, where and how a child should be educated as the whole point of home schooling is to teach outside the classroom. Biological facts can be learned anywhere from farms and kitchen to garden while language classes can extend to theatres and libraries. Some parents can choose to educate their children based on their interest instead of making them spend time in all regular subjects. So the curriculum and the way of teaching should be left to the parent’s choice. But, care should be taken to ensure every kid is progressing constantly in their selected field. Background of Homeschooling Before getting into the debate whether the regulations for home schooling should be changed let us see the origin of homeschooling the US. People have been training children in their homes for centuries. Modern schools started to appear widely only in the beginning of this century. However many people started to doubt the reliability of the education provided in the modern public and private schools by 1960's. Modern homeschooling movements especially religion based ones started to appear opposing the governments stand to send every child to school. Conservatives felt public and private schools have sold themselves to secularism and their children should not be forced to attend them. By early 1990 home schooling movements have won the right to educate their children in all the states. Though each country has different laws regarding home schooling, all of them permit both religion based as well as non-religious home schooling. Homeschooling is quite popular among conservative familie s in the Great Britain and a few selected groups in Germany. But only a few thousands are home schooled in Great Britain while nearly 200 children are homeschooled in Germany (Rhodes, 2012). The number is very high in the US only compared to any other country in the world. Though it might seem like only celebrity kids like Jaden Smith and Cheyenne Kimball are being homeschooled, the reality is much different. Students from all economic background are being homeschooled. Some are homeschooled for special needs because they are slow learners or have physical disabilities. Others are homeschooled because their parents have practical issues in commuting or ethical issues with the way the public and the private schools operate (Klicka, 2004). With security concerns in many public schools being an issue and student massacres like in Connecticut becoming very common many parents feel it safe to educate their children on their own. Differing State Laws Homeschooling parents do not have a st andard regulation all through the nation. Certain states like Pennsylvania and New York have appointed various agencies to oversee the homeschooling parents. The parents have to submit everything from the academic curriculum they are choosing to the personal qualification of the tutor to the state recognition. The students should take up private

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bilingualism in Spanish Education

Bilingualism in Spanish Education Nowadays, bilingual education has become an important issue in Spanish education. Along the years, education has been modified several times by different laws and political ideologies and it is still happening today. I will focus on the Spanish primary schools, specifically in Andalusia, where I would like to study the current situation, considering the law as the main rule to bear in mind when making changes. However, the system has to be adapted to the new needs in education and the methodology teaching. Thus, the legislative frameworks guiding the Spanish education system are the Spanish Constitution (1978), the Organic Act on the right to Education (LODE, 1978), and the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May (Ley Organica de Education LOE 2006). Considering that many places are monolingual communities, then it follows that the changes in the education system are being done slowly. Some educational and pedagogical books have mentioned the situation in the past and how to implement advantages in methodology and language learning. But in the case of Spain, as some studies have referred to, the obligation to improve in terms of second language knowledge is mainly due to the demands in the competitive market in the EU. For example, in the book CLIL in Spain Implementation, Results and Teacher Training, David Lasagabaster makes mention of the setting in our education: The fact that Spain finds itself in the penultimate position in the ranking of EU countries in terms of second language knowledge, a figure offered by the latest demolinguistic reports of the continent (Council of Europe 2005; Grin 2002), has wounded the credibility of the educational system and was seen as a real threat to future growth and development (Lasagabaster, 3). That is the most commonly held reason, as researchers suggest in their writings, why the government and authorities started to focus on the promotion of L2 competences as an essential step towards modernization and prosperity. Then, on April 25th, 2005, in Andalusia, the minister for education presented a plan called Plan de Fomento del Plurilinguismo (henceforth the Plan, Junta de Andalucia 2004), the main aim was to provide teachers with useful skills to perform new tasks required of them; in other words, teachers had to adapt to a lot of different functions that are affected in the use of language and methodology, for teacher training in content and language integrated learning. It was of concern to foreign language teachers and teachers in general because of the non-linguistic areas of knowledge, such as natural science, art, physical educationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ As a consequence, a huge investment was made in human and technical resources, teacher training, mobility and the innovation of the curricula design. It allowed around 400 bilingual Primary and Secondary schools to be inaugurated. But it brings an enormous challenge to the teachers, as I mentioned above, due to two main reasons: first, they have to put their English language skills into practice, and second, they have to improve their language level. Another difficulty to be faced is the lack of published textbooks for bilingual schools, so teachers will need the help of the assistant teacher creating the materials and also a large amount of time to prepare the tasks. However, it is also necessary to mention the mobility programs for teachers and students, which facilitate language experiences, teacher training schemes, increased student exchanges, and basically extend adult education and lifelong learning. So far, many initiatives based on the new trends of foreign language teaching have happened; Curriculum Integrado de las Lenguas CIL, was meant to be the first step in the changes planned, and then CLIL (which seems to share the same ideas), led to agreements between foreign organisations and universities to allow exchange visits and the mobility of students and teachers, Teacher Training Centres, study abroad programmesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Most of these regulations were created between 1998 and 2004 at experimental bilingual schools, and were finally set up in all the Andalusian provinces, and consequently, many schools will later join the experience of plurilingual education. Teachers realize that the students have to be responsible for their own learning, they have to be independent learners, and to manage their individual learning needs. Regarding the students learning, an evaluation of CLIL programs in Andalusia was carried out in 2008. There are a lot of benefits in CLIL schemes; Lasagabaster has written in his book about the CLIL program: The potential of CLIL with respect to the goals of plurilingual education has noticeably been taken into account by the educational authorities in Andalusia and the language education policies that have been implemented (159). As far as Im concerned, many studies and academic writings are carried out in this field. All of them have helped to improve and move forward the study of foreign language learning. However, my project will prove that primary education, which is one of the most important phases in students lives, requires changes in schools. Nevertheless, schools have to follow the same pathway, bringing useful skills for students lives, and teaching them how to face a changing world with the right tools. I think CLIL brings the possibility of helping students when learning a second language, but it could be a challenge. 3. Theoretical framework and research methodology Theoretical Framework: 3, 5 pà ¡ginas The aim of this study is to investigate bilingual education in relation to the content and methodology used by teachers when students are learning a foreign language, so after exploring many sources (books, internet, libraryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦), I am going to base my theoretical framework on the use of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The reason I came up with my decision is because I was exploring some teacher methodologies adopted in schools in the past when teaching a second language. Compared with today, in the past teachers basically used to rely on repetition or imaginary situations in their lessons, which had no relation to real life situations, which would serve as a way to gain the knowledge to communicate in another language. Nonetheless, after years of research on teacher training, other ways of teaching and learning have been shown to be more successful, and I can say that studies in language teaching have achieved breakthroughs in the development of a second language. Indeed, CLIL is an example of this process. We are living in a time of advances and innovation in technology, and this often involves changes in the way we do things. Therefore, integration becomes more important today than the fragmented style practised in previous years, so it is a step forward in our present that brings fusion between categories that might have been divided in the past. As a result, CLIL invites us to the confluence between the learning of content and language. It provokes changes in teachers, as they move away from fragmentation when teaching in separate areas of content and language, which was a situation that arose in the old schools. Therefore, since fusion is a fact, in the present and in the future, the information and communication sectors are integrating technologies due to social demand. CLIL is a useful theory created to help young people to build integrated knowledge and skills for a progressively unified world. A good definition of CLIL can be found in Uncovering CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education: In short, CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. For example, CLIL has involved Malaysian children learning maths and science in English. (Mehisto, 9). We can start to see the world as a product of globalization, where technology is a useful tool to exchange information and knowledge. It also has an impact in the way we teach and on what we teach. Therefore, CLIL is a strategy with the objective of using a language that is not the students native language, as a way of instruction and learning for primary subjects, such as maths, science, art, physical education, musicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Although it is difficult to combine the language learning with content learning, co-operation and the exchange skills among language and content teachers come to be essential when CLIL is implemented in the classroom. Nevertheless, it has to be accompanied by enough time for class preparation and enough time for the teachers to reach a common agreement on teaching strategies and student activities. Additionally, it is an easy task if we think that the subjects that we are going to deal with have to be updated and students familiar with their use: The learning materials used in CLIL classes are often from current sources such as newspaper articles, books, brochures, web pages or blogs. Students are supported in using these materials. The texts are adapted by cutting information into manageable chunks and adding synonyms or a glossary. (Mehisto, 33) Moreover, once again it is clear that the purpose of language in CLIL is to be considered and used as a tool, rather than as a particular area of study; hence, this new strategy seems to be appropriate considering the rush for changes and the new challenges presented by the world today. Teachers are aware that there will be several changes, and as consequence, the atmosphere in the classroom will help students in their development and comprehension of the subject: Krashens hypothesis on the affective filter states that optimum learning occurs in an environment of high stimulation and low anxiety. According to his theory, the emotional state of the learner acts as a filter. Krashen sees the learners emotional state as an adjustable filter that may pass or impede input needed for acquisition (Rozeta, 3823). As mentioned before, Europe is making changes related to the necessity of learning languages without forgetting the content, and this is one of the reasons why the EU ´s language policy promotes multilingualism, and they promote the interest of every EU citizen in being able to speak at least two foreign languages, which is reflected in schools from an early age. Knowledge of languages is at the heart of a successful Europe. Multilingualism enables communication and understanding, key elements in inspiring Europes many diverse cultures to work together towards common goals. Language teaching is therefore of central importance (Rozeta, 3824). Referring to the acquisition of teaching strategies in CLIL, it is not easy to apply and it requires considerable effort to put it into practice: it demands collaboration among subject teachers and language teachers, as well as a greater range of activities than in a regular class. The materials used have to be well prepared and accurate. In the case of CLIL, it is recommended that the material be compiled by both teachers, so good time management skills are also necessary. It is a fact that CLIL is one of the most effective methods of learning a foreign language, and many places in Spain are still in the process of introducing it in state schools because the process takes more time than in private schools; private schools are more flexible and a new law can be introduced quickly. Interestingly, a study in Andalusia have proven that CLIL students obtain much better results in communicative skills than in the non-CLIL groups in other languages; however, it is still necessary to invest in more research on this subject: However, a preoccupying fact in Andalusia is that there is virtually no existing research on non-CLIL language classrooms and the same with respect to content-subject classrooms. Given the very low ratings for Andalusia in the PISA reports this should be a priority (Bruton, 530). After all these findings on research in education, and specifically in bilingual education, the government has had to compromise and collaborate with the universities, institutions, schools, teachersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ with the aim of investing in teacher training for high-quality education in order to transform CLIL into a reality in all the schools. Research methodology and design: 3,5 paginas Before explaining my choices, I will mention the main differences between qualitative and quantitative methods. The term quantitative refers to the fact that the emphasis is on the amount of data. Therefore, the use of questionnaires as research tools is more common in quantitative research. Interviews and observation, however, are usually thought of as qualitative techniques, since the focus is on the quality of the data, not the quantity. It was best stated by Best and Khan on their well-known work, Research in Education. On the one hand, [q]uantitative research consists of those studies in which the data concerned can be analysed in terms of numbers. On the other hand, [r]esearch can also be qualitative, that is, it can describe events, persons and so forth scientifically without the use of numerical data. Furthermore, [q]uantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its results are more readily analysed and interpreted, whereas [q]ualitative research is more open and responsive to its subject. As a conlusion, it can be said that [b]oth types of research are valid and useful. They are not mutually exclusive (89-90). The main research tool used in this paper is the interview, which can also be considered a professional conversation (Interviews: An Introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Kvale, 5). In general, the interview can be defined as having a purpose: to obtain descriptions of the world of the interviewee, and to interpret the meaning of the described phenomena. Thus, the use of interviews in research can be seen as something natural: it is a conversation that has a structure and a purpose. It could be produced through spontaneous exchanges of views in everyday conversation, and converted through a careful questioning and listening approach with the aim of obtaining thoroughly tested knowledge. Usually, it is not considered a conversation between equal partners because the researcher normally takes control of the situation. The researcher is in charge of introducing the topic of the interview, and following up on the subjects answers to his or her questions. The conversation has been used as a way of gathering information since ancient times: Socrates already used dialogues to obtain philosophical knowledge from people. In addition, the social sciences that originated in the late 19th century also made use of interviews for research in a systematic way. Ever since, conversations have belonged to the realm of the social sciences, the humanities and philosophy. At this moment, the emphasis on the interview, and on the interpretation of its meanings, practically places interview research within the domain of the humanities. The numerous advances in technical devices, such as portable tape recorders and computer programs, have made it possible to take accurate recordings of interviews, as well as to easily transcribe them. Moreover, the research methodology used in this paper is a qualitative methodology because the data used here is termed soft, which means it is rich in the description of people, places and conversation, and not easily handled by statistical procedures. In this study, I am going to focus my analysis on bilingual education; specifically, on the experiences of two English teachers from two very different environments: one works in a bilingual school and the other works in a Spanish monolingual school. It could be said that qualitative research is also more natural; this is because the researcher frequents the places where the events he or she is interested in occur naturally. Furthermore, the data gathered is supplied by people engaging in their natural behaviour. In addition, I used qualitative research because it is descriptive; in an interview, the data collected is based on the words of the interviewee rather than numbers. When using qualitative methods, researchers are interested in the process, instead of simply the outcome. Here, the participant perspective is essential, and the researcher needs to be interested in how different people make sense of their lives, as well as many other factors, in order to accurately capture their perspectives. The reason I will use a qualitative method is that I think this method is the most suitable one for research in the field of education, which is what I am working on. It is a method that allows us to see and understand events in their proper context. Thus, I will immerse myself in the context, preparing the interview and then interviewing both subjects at their respective schools. This process will be interactive because the people being studied will tell the researcher about their lives. Moreover, the experience will be approached as a whole, not as a series of independent variables, since the goal is to obtain a unified view of the situation. Hence, a qualitative method seems to be the most suitable choice. As mentioned above, I will analyse and transcribe the interviews relating the experiences of two teachers working in very different environments, but both teaching subjects in a foreign language. The aim is to study their answers and compare them, looking at the different methods and programs used. The decision to use an interview is based on the fact that, through their answers and background information, I will evaluate their ideas and compare how bilingual and monolingual schools differ with respect to teaching a second language in primary school. My interview will consist of four questions; my intention is to avoid, as much as possible, questions that can be answered by yes or no (closed questions) because in that case I will not be able to obtain the information needed for the study. I am going to use a semi-structured or open interview; one reason for this is that I have just one chance to meet with the teachers and, in that time, I have to cover all the points and to obtain reliable, comparable, qualitative data. These questions are specifically focused on comparing a bilingual school teacher and a monolingual school teacher; mostly on the use of foreign language when teaching the content, advantages and disadvantages in both cases, and some of the problems that arise in a classroom when the language used is not the native one. The design of the interview is divided into seven stages, according to Kvale (88): Thematizing. Before the interview starts formulate the purpose of the investigation and describe the concept of the topic to be investigated. The why and what should be clarified before the question of how-method is posed. Designing. To design the study in undertaken with regard to obtaining the intended knowledge, before the interviewing starts. Interviewing. Conduct the interview based on an interview guide and with reflective approach to the knowledge. Transcribing. Prepare the interview material for analysis which includes normally a transcription from oral speech to a written text. Analyzing. Decide which method of analysis are appropriate thinking on the purpose and the nature of the interview material. Verifying. . Establish the generalizability, reliability, and validity of the interview findings. Reporting. Communicate the findings of the study and the methods applied in a form that lives up to scientific criteria, takes the ethical aspects of the investigation into consideration, and that results in a readable product. Finally, I have decided on the two chosen teachers because one works in a bilingual school and his native language is English, and the other teacher works in a monolingual school and her native language is Spanish. This will allow me a wider field of work, so that I can analyze as many differences as possible.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of History :: American America History

Analysis of History "History is the memory of things said and done. Every man is a historian." I agree that history includes everything said and done, to a certain extent. There are levels of history. The relevance to each individual's life determines the significance and importance of the certain event. Also, it should only be studied, perhaps, if the event has a certain impact on the person who is studying it. If an action proved to be important to an individual in the present or the future, that incident would be a sort of personal history. If it were meaningful to a large group of people, it would be a less individual kind of history. The type of history that is commonly taught is the less personal kind. History teachers think that this kind of national history has more relevance to each person's life than the more individual events. However, sometimes the personal events are more important and leave a bigger impact on an individual than the national history. In one dictionary, history is defined as "a written account of events, particularly of those affecting a nation, institution, science, or art..." I think that this definition of History completely counteracts the original quote. In my opinion, if one were to do something that only effected himself, it would still be history. It would not have that big of an impact on the world, but to that person, it could have been very influential. Another definition of history says that it " is a methodical record of important events which concern a community of men." Once again, in my opinion history does not have to effect a community of men in order for it to be important or significant. Also, history does not have to be written in order for it to be relevant or to have an impact. Even a simple story passed from generation to generation with clues from the past is a form of history. If one were to write that cavemen had three legs, it would not make it history. Whether it is written or not does not affect the truth and facts of the situation. I agree that history is simply just the memory of past events. The remembrance of an occurrence shows that it is relevant enough to be remembered. It is important that a historical event is remembered the same by all.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Importance of Business Communication

When you think about these two quotes you will find a lot of meanings, something happens in your life around you, about the relations and communication and how to deal with others not just on business also in your general life, so it is too important to learn how to communicate. Communication is the process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, information, opinions, and plans between various parts of an organization or sometimes to those on the outside of an organization who are interest in the business and need to know the information.Communication is one of the most basic functions of management in any organization. Its importance can never be over emphasized. The presence of business communication ensures that there is a sense of professionalism in the business. Good communication means your message is being sent and those receiving it clearly understand it in it’s entirely. Because of this, the receiver will more likely respond to it in a positive manner.When this occurs, it m eans the message was communicated effectively. A customer who receives poor communication from an employee will most likely have an unfavorable response to a company. The reason for this could be because the person listening does not possess a clear understanding of what the person doing the talking is actually saying. Perhaps the request is unclear, or maybe the person listening did not pay close enough attention. Human relations cannot be present without communication.Good and effective communication is required for both personal relationships and successful business relationships. You can use business software and other popular applications for writing communications, or you can utilize the telephone and in-person methods for the spoken part. No matter how you communicate, make sure there is both talking and listening going on and that you take the time to carefully consider what is being said to you. All three forms of communication are important to a business.The written  com munications can serve as a record of sorts while the phone conversations can facilitate the beginning of a great business relationship. The in-person communication will also help to further promote the business principles as well as the products. Face-to-face communication is especially important between companies and their customers. This is what keeps them coming back time and time again and what can place the business in the forefront of many situations that are perfect for acquiring and maintaining customers.Effective communication in business helps better understand a person or situation, enables us to resolve important differences, and builds trust and respect. Effective communication is also about exchanging information and it requires you to understand the emotion behind the information. Effective communication can also improve relationships at work, home, and in social situations by deepening your connections to others and improving teamwork, decision making, caring, and pr oblem solving. It is also stated that effective communication in a business is a learned skill.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Investigating the development and importance of the auditing standards

The regulative environment makes it compulsory that organisations such as limited liability companies must be audited by an independent external hearer qualified under the ordinances of professional organic structures internationally or nationally to guarantee that the company is working in conformity to the company jurisprudence set by several states. An external hearer maps as an independent organic structure appointed by and studies to stockholders to show an sentiment whether the fiscal statements are prepared, in all stuff respects, true and just and in conformity to the applicable fiscal coverage model ( Pflugrath G. , Martinov-Bennie N. and Chen L. , 2007 ) . In describing to the stockholders, the hearer provides sensible confidence whereby they do non vouch fiscal statements are free from material misstatements but instead at an acceptable degree. Professional organic structures worldwide carries a responsibility to put auditing criterions to play a function of helping hearer s in executing responsibilities in order to supply high degree of assurance to intended users of the Financial Statements ( Noreen, 1988 ; Siegel et al. , 1995 ; Wotruba et al. , 2001 ) .2.0 Main Report2.1 Development of auditing criterionsThere are three regulative environments which govern statutory audits and one of them is scrutinizing criterions. At International degree, the International Federation of Accountants ( IFAC ) is the planetary organisation for the accounting profession. An independent standard-setting board under IFAC is known as the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ( IAASB ) . The IAASB developed the International Standards on Auditing ( ISAs ) to be carried out on audit battles. As for National degree, ordinances differ as there are assorted standard scene organic structures which choose to follow the ISAs by modifying it or to put their ain criterions to accommodate harmonizing to single states. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Institute of Account ants ( MIA ) , a member of IFAC is responsible in developing the Malaysian Approved Standards on Auditing ( AI ) which adopts the modified ISAs. However, the latest development states the execution of a new board which is the Audit and Assurance Standard Board ( AASB ) ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) .2.2 Importance of the auditing criterions.An scrutinizing criterion is a signifier of the current best pattern applicable in statutory audit battles by sanctioned hearers which sets a minimal degree of proficient proficiency to guarantee work done is of high quality auditing and at the same clip supplying high degree of confidence ( Jubb and Houghton, 2007 ; Simnett, 2007 ) . It is a signifier of benchmarking the strength of accomplishing aims of the professional organic structures in being a function theoretical account in the accounting profession as stated by Watkins et Al. ( 2004 ) , and besides safeguarding the place of hearers whilst scrutinizing fiscal statements. Through professional and ethical criterions such as independence and unity, Alfredson, K. et Al. ( 2005 ) states that hearers carry out elaborate plants to value a capable affair whether it is of true and just position. Once a decision is made, the sentiment obtained would find the degree of assurance the populace would hold towards the fiscal statements ( Alfredson, K. et al. , 2005 ) . This adds on to cut downing the hazard factor faced by users of the fiscal statements ( Martinov, 2004 ) as it deters managers of an entity to transport out deceitful activities. At the same clip, it besides indirectly strengthens the audit profession as the populace would hold an increased assurance degree taking to a better feeling towards hearers in general ( Simnett, 2007 ; Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . As processs of executing a statutory audit is consistent and of principles-based, it becomes less stiff and flexible to be implemented on the audit plants carried out on fiscal statements. Aside from that, as agreed by Noreen, 1988 ; Siegel et al. , 1995 ; Wotruba et Al. ( 2001 ) ; it may be able to cut down clip factor as hearers are able to be after and analyse which country are important to be tested more and frailty versa because they are already well-versed with the audit processs set by the criterions. However, this may present as a menace because the usage of their ain opinion becomes excessively subjective and therefore, they may be given to be excessively indulgent during audit processs and beltway on of import affairs. Hearers could even deliberately choose non to execute so much elaborate work and merely province fiscal statements as true and just since wittingly for the past history, it has been stated as so ( Jones et al. , 2003 ; Herron and Gilbertson, 2004 ) . From this affair, it can be of advantage to managers to carry on deceitful activities because hearers can merely see an sentiment on fraud but non able to observe and forestall it. It is the responsibility of the direction and managers to go to to deceitful possibilities in a company. With that said, they may choose to non follow deliberately by declining to unwrap gray countries in its fiscal statements or relevant information needed to execute the audit ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) . While saying to be able to accomplish high quality audits worldwide, a smattering of states still implement their ain auditing criterions to accommodate their national statute laws and traditions ( Samuels and Piper, 1985 ; Tarca, 1998 ; cited in Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . This is likely due to the fact that there are still many developing states which do non hold professional organic structures for such a intent as this or even states like in the United States of America whereby they adopt a different criterion which is of rule-based ( Simnett, 2007 ) . All this may reciprocally do a hold and obstructor to harmonisation of criterions across the Earth in concurrence to international convergence ( Weetman, 2006 ) . Aside from that, consistent updating and alteration of criterions poses a demand to maintain oneself updated taking to a deficiency of assurance while executing responsibilities due to inaccurate executing of criterions implied on audit work as there are restrictions to how much one can make at a period of clip. Being excessively proficient with ordinances may do hearers to be ‘stiff ‘ in their public presentation and therefore, lack grasp on findings of samples, trial objects and the appraisal of analytical processs.2.3 Aims and Activities of IAASB and AASBWork done by the IAASB is monitored by the inadvertence organic structure known as the Public Interest Oversight Board ( PIOB ) whereby the populace ‘s involvement is involved sing proper revelations and transparence of issues that concerns to bettering the overall mission and to accomplish aims of the professional organic structure ( Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . IAASB came up with a development of a plan in the twelvemonth 2004, which functions to redraft the full ISAs either partly to change countries in the ISAs or to to the full bring down new lucidity conventions where applicable. The Clarity Project reached a degree of completion upon confirmation by the PIOB and now contributes 36 freshly clarified criterions as guidelines in confidence battle by qualified hearers worldwide ( Accountants Today, June 2009 ) . Judging from the fact that the criterions now clearly identifies the aims and duties an hearer faces, a better apprehension of the full construct and public consciousness are gained ( Buchanan, F.R. , 2003 ) . The freshly improved criterions are by-far less proficient and therefore, easy to be adopted by practicians to be implemented on processs carried out for confidence battle. The whole intent of carry oning the lucidity undertaking is to do the criterions more appropriate and updated with the recent environment and at the same clip to help and update users of relevant information and a clearer position of using each criterion for the benefit of the populace ( Dellaportas, Senarath Yapa and Sivanantham, 2008 ) . The assurance of the populace in fiscal coverage activities would finally be increased ( Alfredson, K. , Leo, K. , Picker, R. , Pacter, P. and Radford, J. , 2005 ) . It is in a manner a good thing to invariably upgrade and redraft the criterions to accommodate the current coverage environment ( Humphrey, C. and Turley, S. , 2006 ) . However, there may be a little disadvantage in the sense of doing the revised criterions known to its users. The professional organic structures would necessitate to carry on seminars or station notices to all members of the professional organic structures to inform them of such amendments that has taken topographic point. This finally takes clip and attempts and may even incur a little cost to be carried out. Similarly the IAASB, the AASB plays a similar function in continuing an acceptable degree of quality professional services and high ethical behavior amongst practicians. The MIA further justified the desire of standing-out in the standard-setting procedure trusting that Malayan market can be integrated internationally so that point of views can be mentioned earlier alternatively of acquiring secondhand attending in order to germinate criterions that are more suited to the nature of the Malayan market ( Izma N. , 2009 ) . Implementing the ISAs by the AASB is a signifier of doing attempts to heighten the fiscal markets of Malaysia in going more competitory and stable. At the same clip, it besides improves professional unity and quality of audit plants by hearers. Under the backing of the MIA, AASB will go on to run into rigorous outlooks of stakeholders every bit good as traveling towards a holistic international convergence of criterions and enhance assurance of users through proper counsel in audit and confidence services. This may turn out to be a good measure in front in concurrence to be inline with the harmonisation of criterions in the universe today and besides to prepare the fiscal place of the state in order to hike assurance of the public one time once more ( Chan and Leung, 2006 ) . Therefore, conformity with scrutinizing criterions such as the ISAs and implementing it into aims and duties stated by the professional organic structures need to be acted out rapidly so as to non fall behind in clip because it can be rather a drawn-out procedure which is non accomplishable overnight ( Izma N. , 2009 ) .2.4 Further RegulationsCodes of Corporate Governance Corporate administration is the system whereby companies are directed and controlled. Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 mentioned that it is utile in avoiding affairs such as struggles of involvement seen in the bureau theory between the directors ( agents ) and the stockholders ( principal ) . In conformity to the UK Combined Codes of best patterns, the board of an entity is encouraged to organize an audit commission to guard the independency and objectiveness of hearers. An audit commission plays a function as an independent point of mention to turn to sing issues of struggle between the board of managers and the external hearers. Aside from that, in order to better external audit processs, they have a responsibility to supervise the unity of managers in fixing fiscal statements. Codes of Ethical motives The burden is ever on the hearer non merely to be ethical but besides to be seen as ethical. The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants ( IESBA ) establishes a conceptual model for all practicians to adhere to five regulations: unity, objectiveness, professional competency and due attention, confidentiality and professional behavior. Menaces to these rules are to be identified and applied with several precautions to extenuate it. Hearers are subjected to ethical demands by professional organic structures because the public relies on hearers to bring forth an independent sentiment during confidence battles ( Pflugrath G. , Martinov-Bennie N. and Chen L. , 2007 ) . They farther elaborated that a high quality audit, consisting of professional competency and due attention features need to be conducted as hearers have entree to confidential information of the entity. Company Law An hearer is required to execute an one-year audit abiding by statutory responsibilities to describe to stockholders on whether fiscal statements are of a true and just position and in conformity to approved criterions. They need to be independent and persevering and province if sufficient information has been obtained and that the company has kept proper records harmonizing to the jurisprudence. The hearer must besides name out lacks of their findings in the hearer ‘s study. The company jurisprudence besides determines the rights, assignment, remotion and surrender of hearers and the liability of hearers to stockholders and 3rd parties ( Cosserat and Rodda, 2009 ) .3.0 DecisionThe result of these findings discussed has added cognition to a better apprehension of the full audit and confidence rhythm. The responsibilities of an external hearer must be based on appropriate conceptual models developed either internationally or nationally harmonizing to the suitableness of several states. They need to execute a statutory battle required by the company jurisprudence, which is of high but non absolute confidence that the fiscal statements are free from material misstatements. An overview of the constitution of scrutinizing criterions, its aims and importance to benchmark the quality of hearers in executing responsibilities and corporate administration, company jurisprudence and ethical codifications as extra ordinances in heightening the function of hearers were identified. Furthermore, the chief thought of separating IAASB and AASB on its maps and activities in the universe today has added cognition to the deepnesss of 1s ‘ head. Therefore, the several standards-setting boards need to foster enhance and beef up its actions and processs in order to accomplish international convergence and quality criterions to function the public better and increase in its objectiveness effectivity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

British life essays

British life essays The nineteenth (19th) century was a period of great change and accompanying social unrest in the British Isles. Most outstanding among the changes was the industrial revolution. As everything in life, it brought good, but it also brought evil. The industrial revolution combined with the expansion of the British Empire made the United Kingdom, the richest and most powerful country in the world. Some of the islanders became unbelievably wealthy, but others, unfortunately, became unbelievably poor. Writers from this historical period cognizant of the human suffering, became social critics of what was taking place in England, of how the rich and powerful became more oppressive than before and how the very poor, were evenly more oppressed. Among these writers were Charles Dickens and George Eliot. In his novel, Felix Halt the Radical, Eliot (nee Mary Anne Evans) describes graphically the conflict and battle between these two groups. In the novel, Eliot portrayed British society as having two types of people, the oppressors, who were the landowners who had the ability to vote and serve in government and then there the oppressed, who are the back breaking workers. The factory workers and miners (the oppressed) were denied basic human rights and their opinion and beliefs were discarded as being useless. These workers wanted change and reform, however they did not speak out against their masters or government because of fear of retaliation by the oppressors, of punishment and also because of the lack of leadership skill to organize a revolt. The leadership that was needed was that of Harold Transome, a radical, and of his political agents that began preaching the need for change and for equality among the workers. Traditionally, two main political parties existed in Great Britain, the Whigs and Tories, which forced society to choose what side would represent them. The split in society caused conflict in which people would onl...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Ceremony

The Ceremony by Silko The Truth In Our Lives Everybody goes through times/pressures in life where we are trapped in a phase where all our thoughts are but a blur. We are â€Å"confused† and uncertain of what to do, what to believe, what to think, etc.... Then we suddenly stop and ask ourselves, ‘Wait! What is the truth What is the right thing to do?’ The real deal is that life, as it is, is already a confusing piece of art. Why stress ourselves out with more things to think about? Why not just let ourselves go, fly high and live free with imagination and the ability to think whatever no matter if it is in wrong or right. In the book, Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, the author expresses his point by saying that everybody goes through they same processes in life. Everybody comes to self knowledge by tasting everything that is given to them and figuring the truth behind it. Not everyone has the same truths, we find our own. Throughout this book, Antonio is confused with who the real â€Å"God† in his life is. By figuring out who the real God is, I think that he thinks he can figure out his destiny. A real God is not all he’s looking for in life, but he is looking for a deeper meaning...something beyond life itself. Antonio is searching for something that would make sense to him because nothing seems clear to him. Tony’s looking for God is a way of looking for himself and finding himself. The pressure to see God a certain way expresses his need to destine himself to find a meaning - a meaning in life, a meaning to anything that gives him strength in his soul. We dream to explore - we grow to find our own truths. Antonio confuses himself with who to believe in because he is told all these different stories and such. The story of the Golden Carp felt enchanting to Tony. He felt as if it was something magical that was so rare that it was unbelievable. â€Å" I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing, t... Free Essays on The Ceremony Free Essays on The Ceremony The Ceremony by Silko The Truth In Our Lives Everybody goes through times/pressures in life where we are trapped in a phase where all our thoughts are but a blur. We are â€Å"confused† and uncertain of what to do, what to believe, what to think, etc.... Then we suddenly stop and ask ourselves, ‘Wait! What is the truth What is the right thing to do?’ The real deal is that life, as it is, is already a confusing piece of art. Why stress ourselves out with more things to think about? Why not just let ourselves go, fly high and live free with imagination and the ability to think whatever no matter if it is in wrong or right. In the book, Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, the author expresses his point by saying that everybody goes through they same processes in life. Everybody comes to self knowledge by tasting everything that is given to them and figuring the truth behind it. Not everyone has the same truths, we find our own. Throughout this book, Antonio is confused with who the real â€Å"God† in his life is. By figuring out who the real God is, I think that he thinks he can figure out his destiny. A real God is not all he’s looking for in life, but he is looking for a deeper meaning...something beyond life itself. Antonio is searching for something that would make sense to him because nothing seems clear to him. Tony’s looking for God is a way of looking for himself and finding himself. The pressure to see God a certain way expresses his need to destine himself to find a meaning - a meaning in life, a meaning to anything that gives him strength in his soul. We dream to explore - we grow to find our own truths. Antonio confuses himself with who to believe in because he is told all these different stories and such. The story of the Golden Carp felt enchanting to Tony. He felt as if it was something magical that was so rare that it was unbelievable. â€Å" I knew I had witnessed a miraculous thing, t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Case study #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

#2 - Case Study Example With the intention to solve these issues, the CEO started his activities firstly from visiting the workplace of one of its rigs, named ‘Voyager 7’. The rig was quite small comprising 150 employees with a blend of skilled, unskilled and immigrant labours. Soon he began to depict that there was clear discrimination practiced in the workplace with regard to the living conditions and the working conditions of the lower level employees and the upper level employees. The upper level employees, who were also the immigrants, were provided with far better treatment in comparison to that of the local African employees. The local authorities of the government, despite being aware of the situation were never involved in taking any potential action to resolve the racial discrimination practiced within the organisation. After analysing the situation from the view point of the CEO, inferences have been drawn through the SWOTT analysis. Weaknesses: The situation has major drawbacks with the workplace environment being full of discrimination. Employees are treated differently on the basis of their nationality, race and designations, raising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) related concerns, which might diminish stakeholders’ confidence on the company. Threats: The discrimination prevailing in the workplace is a threat to the integrity of the workplace. Owing to the absence of communication between the lower level employees and upper level employees, the expectation of effective performance of this rig is highly unrealistic. Trends: If the situation continues in this trend, chances of conflicts between the upper level and lower level employees are highly uncertain. Moreover, legal authorities might also halt the operations of the entire business owing to the illegal practices of discrimination in the workplace. The alternatives will need to be evaluated considering the objectives of the company regarding CSR, ensuring equality

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leadership Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership - Thesis Proposal Example Research on P-O fit now considers the fit between employees and their jobs, their co-workers and their supervisors, and is no longer focused on only their fit with the organisation. A number of theories, such as Schneider’s (1987) attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, suggest that employees choose employment with a company they perceive as a good fit; management employees with minimal P-O fit however will choose to leave their company of employment. Others like Chatman, Wong & Joyce (2008) claim that even though a management employee may have a low P-O fit with an organisation they still seek and gain employment with that organisation and may stay for a number of reasons connected with entrenchment (Harman, Lee, Mitchell, Felps & Owen, 2007). In such cases they often stay with the organisation but operate in less prominent or powerful positions of leadership (Meyerson & Scully, 1995). The implication from these theories is that an organisation is a single, constant and homogenous culture if employees are able to determine their fit within them.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Kia company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kia company - Research Paper Example For KIA motors this would include highlighting the energy efficiency of the cars and focusing on low cost of maintenance. This strategy is effective at a time when the purchasing power of the consumers is low. The recent economic downturn has led to a severe dip in the disposable income levels of individuals. Moreover fuel efficiency is also a vital factor at a time when fuel prices are sky rocketing. The company can also promote and replicate its ‘KIA Approved’ strategy that would include providing extended warranties and other benefits and an effective after sales service to lure customers (KIA, 2010). Finally KIA motors can enter into a strategic alliance with a local company of high repute. The strategic alliance would involve collaboration between KIA and its partner in the area of marketing and promoting the product including sharing retail space etc. The alliance with an established local partner would help improve the attitude of the consumers towards the brand and would instill greater confidence among the customers and lead to development of positive attitude among the customers generating sustainable competitive

Read short story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Read short story - Essay Example This side of the valley is symbolic of life and has a seemly association with Jig, while Hemingway links it to her desires to settle down permanently, have the child, and be in a loving relationship. However, the valley’s other side is the opposite. It is sterile, barren, bleak, and a desert landscape that has no life or animation present (Hemingway 12). This side of the valley is representative of abortion and its unwanted and deadly consequences. It is also, perhaps, symbolic of the meaningless and empty nature of the earlier relationships between the couple. In the story, it is as if the author takes the two characters and places them in a landscape, which seems to exemplify the decisions they will have to make, as well as, the major differences that stand between the two of them as individuals. The author deftly and subtly utilizes more than one aspect of the setting in the story to show significant things about what it means, which, in this case, is the valley and its two contrasting

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Street Gang Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Street Gang - Research Proposal Example Experts have indicated that gangs have been using a strategy of moving from the larger U.S. cities to more rural and smaller urban areas (Thompkins 59,60). By understanding the motivation that originated the migration to New York City, these smaller communities can find the commonalties and recognize the phenomena in their cities. Laws and policies can be forged that will impede the spread of gang activity into these areas that are currently ill equipped to deal with this issue. The rising numbers of young people who report membership in a gang or who are impacted by the presence of a gang makes this issue both timely and of vital importance. By studying gang activity in the past, it will help to more fully predict their future movements and actions. This paper is not meant to be a history of gang violence or a specific chronology of the events that have impacted the Bloods. It is also not meant to be a platform for the political or social judgment of the gang's activities. It will investigate key events which have resulted in the spread of gang violence The paper will use existing research as well as anecdotal evidence to form its conclusions. Much has been written about the increase of gang violence and various law enforcement agencies, both local and national, have extensive information available.

Comparison of credibility (accuracy) of S&P and Moody's ratings before Literature review

Comparison of credibility (accuracy) of S&P and Moody's ratings before and after the US financial crisis - Literature review Example These rating systems have also influenced the U.S capital markets by enabling the U.S financial markets to examine the credit risks. S&P and Moody’s ratings play significant roles in the capital markets; thus, the rating agencies employ them in measuring the expected financial losses (Langohr and Langohr, 2008). This is crucial because they enable the financial market to respond to financial insecurity or risks. This is through establishing regulatory approaches that protect the financial markets from incurring losses. S&P and Moody frequently provide financial analysis to the analysts and issues standard public financial statement of the U.S banks on credit conditions. They also carry out credit ratings in order to offer investors with adequate information; hence enabling them to overcome credit crisis. Moreover, they have influenced the US financial market by enabling them to make financial analysis in order to determine the strength of banking institutions. They have enable d them to split bonds and rate the financial institutions against each other in order to determine their performance level. ... Thus, through S&P and Moody rating services, the U.S financial institutions have enabled to improve their business performance level. Literature Review on the Methodology Changes of S&P and Moody's After All the Criticism It Has Faced On Their In Credibility and Accuracy of Their Published Ratings Varied literature have attempted to reveal the methodology changes of S&P and Moody’s after they faced varied criticism on their credibility and accuracy issues. They have made great efforts of becoming more cautious in order to recover their reputations after the criticism during the recent financial crisis. The S&P and Moody's, as well as, other credit rating agencies have been a subject of controversy; thus, they have been criticized for not being accurate and credible. These agencies faced severe criticism especially during the recent rise of gasoline in the U.S that contributed to a global financial crisis (Eccleston, 2013. However, the credit rating agencies have made significa nt attempts of making changes in rating system; thus, they have focused on creditworthiness, which has become the key aspects in the financial markets. S &P have attempted to implement varied methodologies and this has changed drastically after the 2007 to 2008 global financial crisis. Before the crisis Moody's employed RiskCalc model for estimating private industries default risks. However, the current regulatory approach, which is characterized by capital ratios, stress tests among other methodologies makes it necessary in rating activities. Anand and Subramanian (2013) reveal that S&P and Moody's have made significant efforts of responding to criticism by increasing the regulatory use of ratings in order to reduce financial risks. This regulatory

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Biochemical Individuality Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Biochemical Individuality Nutrition - Essay Example Shakespeare was correct when he wrote, "One man's meat is another man's poison." (in Walsh, 2000) For instance, "some of us are genetically suited for a vegetable-based diet and others are not. Some people can satisfy their nutritional needs by diet alone and others must have nutritional supplements to overcome genetic aberrations" (Walsh, 2000). On the other hand, serious health problems may develop if a person overconsumes nutrients. After having studied the biochemical individuality of 10,000 persons, Walsh came to a decision that the greatest trouble is typically caused by nutrients that are stored in exceeding amounts, rather than by the lack of them . Due to genetic dissimilarity in the way human body processes foods, vast majority of people are to a certain extent deficient in some nutrients and overloaded in others. Even following an ideal diet, many people have some nutrients at extremely low levels, much lower than the concepts of adequate nutrition and optimum nutrition require. The nutrients which are stored in exceeding amounts in one's body should be avoided by them, keeping from certain kinds of food and vitamins. The most widespread nutrients in overload are following substances: iron, copper, folic acid, manganese, choline, a variety of fatty acids and methionine. But this statement does not contradict to a fact that some people can lack these nutrients. As we know there is a number of manufacturers who produce food supplements and advertise an idea of 'healthy nutrition in a single package'. Being familiar with the issue, I can say that it looks like trying to determine an ideal clothes size for all people. The term ' biochemical individuality' point at individual needs, and multiple nutrients are extremely indiscriminate and may cause to a great harm as well as improve one's health. Doctor Walsh also indicates that he has systemized biochemical types. "After studying the metabolic status of thousands of persons, I discovered that lab chemistry could be predicted with good accuracy based on an individual's traits, symptoms, and family history" (Walsh, 2000). He developed a system of types and classes, which had personal information (case history) as its basis. The vast majority of his clients were divided into 26 types different in metabolism, neurotransmitter production, glucose rates and 'genetic' history.Dr. Williams as a dietician and biologist also made a contribution to the development of the viewpoints regarding biochemical origin of ailment with the progress of the theory of biochemical individuality. He explained physiological differences between people and how they linked to individual reactions to the environmental irritators. At the beginning of 1980s the area of biochemical individuality got its 'fashion' between the sciences of biology, chemistry and physiology as a result of the advancement made in theorizing molecular biology of the genetic material. So-called Human Genome plan designed a major worldwide obligation of scientists to 'decode' the genetic information of life by observing a chain of human chromosomes. As this issue has extended from biochemical institutions around the world, its suggestions have been innovatory in terms of how science had previously viewed genes and chromosomes. The DNA is not seen as a rigid structure any longer. Indeed, as Bishop and Waldholz highlighted in

Comparison of credibility (accuracy) of S&P and Moody's ratings before Literature review

Comparison of credibility (accuracy) of S&P and Moody's ratings before and after the US financial crisis - Literature review Example These rating systems have also influenced the U.S capital markets by enabling the U.S financial markets to examine the credit risks. S&P and Moody’s ratings play significant roles in the capital markets; thus, the rating agencies employ them in measuring the expected financial losses (Langohr and Langohr, 2008). This is crucial because they enable the financial market to respond to financial insecurity or risks. This is through establishing regulatory approaches that protect the financial markets from incurring losses. S&P and Moody frequently provide financial analysis to the analysts and issues standard public financial statement of the U.S banks on credit conditions. They also carry out credit ratings in order to offer investors with adequate information; hence enabling them to overcome credit crisis. Moreover, they have influenced the US financial market by enabling them to make financial analysis in order to determine the strength of banking institutions. They have enable d them to split bonds and rate the financial institutions against each other in order to determine their performance level. ... Thus, through S&P and Moody rating services, the U.S financial institutions have enabled to improve their business performance level. Literature Review on the Methodology Changes of S&P and Moody's After All the Criticism It Has Faced On Their In Credibility and Accuracy of Their Published Ratings Varied literature have attempted to reveal the methodology changes of S&P and Moody’s after they faced varied criticism on their credibility and accuracy issues. They have made great efforts of becoming more cautious in order to recover their reputations after the criticism during the recent financial crisis. The S&P and Moody's, as well as, other credit rating agencies have been a subject of controversy; thus, they have been criticized for not being accurate and credible. These agencies faced severe criticism especially during the recent rise of gasoline in the U.S that contributed to a global financial crisis (Eccleston, 2013. However, the credit rating agencies have made significa nt attempts of making changes in rating system; thus, they have focused on creditworthiness, which has become the key aspects in the financial markets. S &P have attempted to implement varied methodologies and this has changed drastically after the 2007 to 2008 global financial crisis. Before the crisis Moody's employed RiskCalc model for estimating private industries default risks. However, the current regulatory approach, which is characterized by capital ratios, stress tests among other methodologies makes it necessary in rating activities. Anand and Subramanian (2013) reveal that S&P and Moody's have made significant efforts of responding to criticism by increasing the regulatory use of ratings in order to reduce financial risks. This regulatory

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Barriers to Communication Essay Example for Free

Barriers to Communication Essay The communication topic that I have chosen to write about is The Barriers to Communication in the in the workplace. My focus will be on the Apple Organization as well as other organizations that have had communications issues. My interest in this topic stems from the fact that Ive encountered many barriers to effective communication while in the work place. I understand personally how ineffective communication by all levels of an organization can lead to the decrease work morals, productivity etc. I am also interested in this topic in that as a Business Management major I would like to be as affective in my communication with the organization I will join as well as with the individuals that will comprise the company. Based on a research done In July 2011, a Maritz Poll, an annual employee attitude survey conducted by Maritz Research, reported that 25 percent of employees indicated having less trust in their management than they did the previous year. Bad communication breaks down trust. Barriers to communication in the work place can be very detrimental to the sustainability, longevity and success to the organization. There are numerous barriers that effect communication in the work place. According to, these barriers range from nonverbal communication, lack of feedback and cultural differences. These barriers to communication may and can occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. References Barriers to effective communication. (n.d.). Retrieved from Duggan, T. (n.d.). Communication problems in a business. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement Of 1960s History Essay

The Civil Rights Movement Of 1960s History Essay The United States Supreme Court commands no armies, create no laws, and, generally, has no affiliations with the politics. However, its written opinions often change the course of American History. On May 17th, 1954 , the United States Supreme Court made the unanimous decision on the case Brown v. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas, 347 U.S. 483  [1]  , that declared segregation of white and Negro children in public schools denies Negro children the equal protection guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution even though physical facilities and other tangible factors of white and Negro schools may be equal.  [2]   One widely accepted claim is that the ruling of Brown played an important role in deeply influencing the civil rights movement. For blacks, the ruling of Brown had an ensuring effect that the federal government is on our side.  [3]  Julius Chamberss teenage memories of Brown is a reflection of this; we assumed that Brown was self-executing. The law had been announced, and people would have to obey it. Wasnt that how things worked in America, even in white America?.  [4]  A federal judge and a leading legal scholar, J. Harvie Wilkinson III, declared that Very little could have been accomplished in mid-century America without the Supreme CourtBrown maybe the most important political, social and legal event in Americas twentieth century history.  [5]  Many scholars, like Wilkinson, agree that the decision made by the Supreme Court and other court cases such as Brown II, Sarah Key v. Carolina Coach Company, and Browder v. Gayle that followed Brown dramatically improved the legal status of Americans by deeply influencing the civil rights movement.  [6]  It is evident that the Supreme Court decision on Brown had a deep symbolic impact on people. However, many other forces perhaps much more powerful than Brown also contributed to the paving of civil rights movement. The United States having helped in the defeat of Adolf Hitler a European leader who had practiced antisemitism, and persecuted many people who he believed were inferior to his German master race left many Americans repulsed by his racial policies  [7]  . This was a major cause for Americans to look at their own society with a critical lens. Shortly after the ruling of Brown, the civil rights movement gained considerable momentum.  [8]  Demonstrations such as the sit-ins of Greensboro, North Carolina and the bus boycott of Montgomery, Alabama are a reflection of the quickened civil rights movement. Michael Klarman, a constitutional law scholar, argued that political, economic, social, demographic, and intellectual forces in the 1940s and 1950s were already liberalizing race relations in the United States, even in the South. These changes would have undermined Jim Crow perhaps with less white bitterness regardless of Supreme Court intervention.  [9]  Forces mentioned ab ove had already increased optimism in the society, prior to the decision of Brown, causing racial beliefs to slowly decline. It is acceptable to claim that Brown played a role in paving the way for the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The decision of Brown brought attention to civil rights causes, caused guilt to Northern whites, and inspired many grassroots activists. However many other powerful social and economical forces outweighed the small role Brown played in paving the path for the civil rights movement. 1. What was the role Brown played in the civil rights movement of 1960s? Direct and indirect influences of Brown The influences Brown had on the civil rights movement can be distinguished into two categories; direct influences and indirect influences. Its direct impact on the civil rights movement was school desegregation. Indirect influences, as claimed by many scholars, were varied. These included, giving civil rights issues national attention to Northern whites feeling guilt and to inspiring many grassroots and other activists by legitimizing civil rights causes. When one looks at the influences of Brown to the civil rights movement, the claim seems invalid. The influences, both direct and indirect, were over shadowed by other forces. The decision of Brown had a fairly immediate effect on segregation in the border states and isolated portions of the peripheral South.  [10]  In Kentucky the percentage of black children attending the same school as white children increased from zero (at the time of the first Brown decision in 1954) to 28 percent in 1957-1958 and jumped to 54 percent in 1963-1964.  [11]  In Oklahoma, the figures were zero percent in 1954, 18 percent in 1957-1958, and 28 percent in 1963-1964.  [12]  In 1957-1958 0.09 percent of black children attending school with white children in Arkansas and 1.4 percent in Texas (the small net yield was due to small black populations).  [13]  However, statistics from the rest of the South indicates that Brown had very little immediate effect on school desegregation. For example, in Southern states such as Tennessee and North Carolina, blacks school children attending desegregated schools were 0.12 percent and 0.01 percent in 1959-1960, and 2.7 perce nt 0.54 percent in 1963-1964.  [14]  In the deeper Southern states such as South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi, black students did not attend an integrated public grade school in 1962-1963.  [15]  In the South as a whole, only 0.16 percent of black children were attending school with white children in 1959-1960 and this increased only slightly to 1.2 percent in 1963-1964.  [16]  Only in the later parts of 1960s, after the civil rights act of 1964, did desegregation in the south began to increase.  [17]  From these statistics it is apparent that there was little impact from Brown on school desegregation. Only a 1.04 percent increase in blacks and whites attending the same school was seen in four years. Considering that direct influences of Brown being very limited, it is difficult for one to accept that indirect influences of Brown played a significant role. Claimed by many scholars, Brown had brought issues of civil rights to a national audience. However, this was only true to a certain extent. Although Brown had increased attention to civil rights causes in the South, it gained less attention in the North. An opinion poll conducted in the summer of 1955 noted that 60 percent of Southern whites, as opposed to 17 percent of northern whites, had discussed the Supreme Court decision during the week before the decision was made.  [18]  33 percent of Southern whites, compared to six percent of Northern whites, in the same poll considered segregation a more important issue than crime, atomic bombs, and high taxes.  [19]  Media coverage of civil rights events suggests that very little attention was paid to court cases such as Brown. Other civil rights event that produced confrontation and violence were the highlight of civil rights media coverage.  [20]  Examples include the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955-1956, which had little con nection with Browns decision and sit-ins of Greensboro, Alabama.  [21]  In 1952 the New York Times gave relatively more coverage to civil rights issues than in 1954 or 1955 (the years of the first and second Brown decisions).  [22]  Respondents identifying civil rights issues as the nations ultimate problem increased after the bus boycott of Montgomery, Alabama, not by Brown. This increase was insignificant compared to the outburst of public attention to civil rights causes after the demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama during the spring of 1963.  [23]  It is evident that Brown did not gain considerable attention from both Northern and Southern states. It seems that significant attention to civil rights causes were brought by demonstrations such as sit-ins of Greensboro and Montgomery bus boycotts, not by Brown. At the time television sets were first appearing in households. Violent images such as protesters being hit by high-pressure water jets from fire-hoses were bro ad casted over the air.  [24]  This would have likely gained more international support than court cases such as Brown published in newspapers. Another widely accepted claim is that Brown aroused sympathy of Northern whites regarding the cause of civil rights. However, there is little evidence suggesting that Brown was a causation for Northern whites to feel sympathetic to the civil rights causes.  [25]  An opinion poll conducted in July of 1959 reported that only a five percent increase in public support for school desegregation, that Brown promoted, over the preceding five years was seen.  [26]  Congresses willingness to sponsor legislation can be seen as Northern whites feeling sympathetic to civil rights causes. Amount of congressional sponsors for civil rights causes steadily increased through the late 1940s and peaked in 1951-1952. Then it declined through the remainder of the 1950s and reached an all time low in 1959-1960.  [27]  Another indication that there was no significant increase of civil rights consciousness among Northern whites was the willingness of the President and the Senate to see the Eisenh ower administrations 1956-1957 civil rights bill deprive of strength in the upper house.  [28]  Similarly, a study by Ema Lou Thornbroughs Indiana state Legislature proceedings revealed that the legislature discussed more civil rights issues during the 1950s than in the 1940s. But it did not enact meaningful legislation until after the civil rights revolution of the early 1960s.  [29]   One of the most popular and widely accepted assumptions regarding Browns decision was that it legitimized the civil rights causes, increased the hope of its success, and was a catalyst for new activism within the black community.  [30]  Activists in the civil rights movement has given many accounts of Browns significance. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr., declared in 1958 that Brown had brought hope to millions of disinherited Negroes who had formerly dared only dream of freedom..  [31]  Fred Shuttlesworth, leader of the indigenous civil rights movement in Birmingham, notes his role in the movement to Brown. Browns decision, as he remembered, stirred up in me what I knew all the time.  [32]  As Thurgoood Marshall found more people in the South willing to stand up as plaintiffs, they said The federal government is on our side.  [33]  Around sixty desegregation petitions filed by local branches of The National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to school boards in the deep South in July of 1955.  [34]  This suggest that Brown inspired litigation that challenged state sponsored segregation. Shortly after Brown, in Greensboro, North Carolina, blacks began to desegregate the city golf courses. Also, blacks in Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, began to challenge segregation in city parks and public transportation by bringing court suits.  [35]  Not only did Brown assure people the legitimization of civil rights causes, it also stimulated black hope.  [36]  As Robert Jackson, a black history professor at Virginia Union University, notes This is a most exciting moment. I havent seen collective emotion since the day Roosevelt died. A lot of us havent been breathing for the last nine months. But today the students reacted as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their shoulders. They see a new world opening for them and those that follow them.  [37]  One staff member of the NAACP branch in New York recalled that t hey sat there looking at one another. The only emotion that we felt at that moment was awe-every one of us felt it.  [38]  Black leaders were hopeful that Brown would affect race relation in all dimensions of American life.  [39]  Charles Johnson, the President of Fisk University, explained in the summer of 1954, the principal enumeration was not merely that of constitutionality of racial segregationif segregation is unconstitutional in educational institutions, it is no less unconstitutional in other aspects of our national lives..  [40]  Martin Luther King, Jr., and A. Philip Randolph led prayer pilgrimage to Washington D.C., on the anniversary of Brown in the late 1950s, thus proving that blacks regarded Brown as an important symbol.  [41]  It is impossible to measure the legitimizing effect Brown had on the society. Because of this it is difficult for one to either accept or reject the interpretation. However it is not clear that Browns decision was needed for th e legitimization effect on the society. Other forces seem much more likely to have caused this legitimizing effect in the society. When assessing the impact of Brown, both direct and indirect, on the civil rights movement, one can conclude the little significance of Brown. Browns limited impact on school desegregation is widely accepted. However, its indirect contributions such as bringing civil rights issues national attention, causing guilt to Northern whites, and legalizing civil rights causes in the eyes of blacks seems exaggerated. As evidence shows, Brown only brought significant attention to civil rights causes in the South. National attention brought by other civil rights demonstrations such as the famous Montgomery bus boycott and electrifying sit-ins of Greensboro dwarfed that of Brown. The decision of Brown did not arouse significant guilt from the northern whites. As mentioned earlier, only a five percentage increase in public support for civil rights causes were seen after the decision of Brown. It is difficult to either accept or reject the claim of Brown legitimizing civil rights causes in the eye s of blacks. However more plausible factors such as political, economical, and social, that were in effect even before Brown, are much more likely to have effected the view of legitimized civil rights causes and essentially paving the way for the civil rights movement. 2. Postwar forces had relatively large effect on the civil rights movement Shortly after the decision made by the United States Supreme Court, the civil rights movement gained considerable momentum. Key to the quickened civil rights movement was ongoing postwar forces such as rising prosperity, high levels of education, and demographic movements.  [42]  These forces combined promoted expectations from both blacks and whites concerning ways of life including race relations.  [43]  When the effect of these forces are compared with Browns influence on the civil rights movement, it is evident that influence of Brown is exaggerated. Michael Klarman claim that the democratic ideology of World War II and the greater opportunities for political and economical advance that the war afforded had already fostered a civil rights consciousness in most American blacks.  [44]  This is reflected by the comment of a black veteran returning home from the war as he registered to vote:After having been overseas fighting for democracy, I thought that when we got back here we should enjoy a little of it.  [45]  It is evident that there were many effective challenges to civil rights before and during the war. In 1942 blacks in North Carolina issued the Southern Black Declaration of Independence.  [46]  This supported the Fair Employment Practice Committee and initiated actions to put an end to segregation, and inequalities in housing, medicine, and education.  [47]  Also during the war blacks, in Norfolk, Virginia, began to protest segregation in public transportation. They began to join voter leagues, started to p ay taxes in record numbers, and served on war-related boards and councils. Thus increasing black presence in the community they were able to successfully support the appointment of two black police officers into the city police force.  [48]  In the 1940s number of black voters increased from 151,000 to 9000,000.  [49]  By the late 1940s, black candidates were running for public office and occasional winning. In Northern sates, ideology of the war combined with increasing political power of urban blacks, led to the implementation of civil rights laws in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Most of these laws promoted fail employment practices and open public accommodations, and some went far as forbidding segregation in public schools.  [50]  The challenges to Jim Crow that existed prior to war and during was beginning to bear results. There were desegregation of the Montgomery police force, elevators of buildings in Birmingham, juries in Little Rock, department stores and pub lic facilities in Greensboro, public libraries, parks, and swimming pools in Louisville. All in the early 1950s before Brown. Rapidly increasing challenges to Jim Crow such as these during and after the war suggests that Brown was not the first to challenge racial beliefs in the society. Much of the legitimization of civil rights causes, that was perceived as an indirect action of Brown, can be explained through these things mentioned above. Political, economic, and social factors that caused these overall laid much of the groundworks for the civil rights movement. Conclusion After more than five decades it is still difficult to determine the exact role Brown played in paving the way for the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Many scholars claim that indirect influences of Brown played a major role in laying groundworks for the civil rights movement. Other scholars claim that Brown itself was caused by many powerful postwar forces. Most scholars agree that there were three main indirect influences: Brown increased civil rights issues in a national context, caused the Northern whites to feel guilt, and legitimized civil rights issues in the eyes of grassroots activists. After examining the evidence surrounding these indirect influences it seems that they did not contribute much to laying groundworks for the civil rights movement. Evidence suggesting post war forces contributed to the civil rights movement is most plausible. As to question of Browns role in paving the way for the civil rights movement, it is evident that Brown played a relatively small role compared to that of post war forces. Brown itself can be seen as a reflection of swelling postwar forces. These forces since the 1940s have increased optimism in the society and weakened racist beliefs. It is acceptable to claim that Brown did contribute to the civil rights movement. However Browns contributions were dwarfed by those of postwar forces.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Do Animals Have Rights Essay -- Religion Papers

Do Animals Have Rights Animals are used to test the products that we use in our everyday life. Is it ethical or right to test our products on animals? If animal testing were not used, how would the safety of the products we use be insured? If animals were not used in medical testing, how would researchers come up with new medicines and vaccines? Different people have different opinions about this issue. Arguments abound for both sides. In order to have an organized argument, there must first be an agreed upon standard by which the opposing sides of the arguments are judged. For the argument about the use of animals for laboratory testing, that standard will be the Word of God. â€Å"And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.’ And it was so.† (Genesis 1:24) â€Å"Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’† (Genesis 1:26) God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’† (Genesis 1:28) It is very clear from the first chapter in the Bible that man was put over and in charge of all the earth. This means that man is superior to all other living things on the earth. Does this also mean that man has the right to use animals for laboratory testing? Jesus is quoted as saying, â€Å"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your ... ...t. Researchers should constantly be searching for new methods of testing products and medicines. The lab-grown-skin samples that are advocated by the animal rights groups are a terrific step in the right direction. There are obvious uses for these test samples. Many of the cosmetic products that are used today could be tested for toxicity using these alternative testing techniques. Hopefully they are accurate enough to attract use by companies involved in such testing. Using the Bible as a standard to judge the two sides of this argument shows that both sides have problems with their reasoning. However, both sides also have good points. It is clear though, that the laboratory testing of animals can be extremely beneficial to mankind. When a person's life can be saved or prolonged, the laboratory testing of animals is a necessary and acceptable practice.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Privacy and Confidentiality in the Electronic Medical Record Essay

It was just yesterday when Electronic health records was just introduced in healthcare industry. People were not ready to accept it due to higher cost and consumption of time associated in training people and adopting new technology. Despite of all this criticism, use of Internet and Electronic Health records are now gaining its popularity among health care professionals, as it is the most effective way to communicate with patient and colleagues. More and more hospitals and clinics are getting rid of paper base filling system and investing in cloud base storage. According to HIMSS The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting. It includes information from patient demographics, medications, to the laboratory reports. Introduction of Electronic Medical Records in healthcare organizations was to improve the quality care and to lessen the cost by standardizing the means of communication and reducing the errors. However, it raises the â€Å"eyebrows† of many when it comes to patient confidentiality and privacy among healthcare organization. The Problem is 1. Transfer of Information- The problem is remote access of the health records and pooling of large number of data for various purposes like research program and lab work, may lead to an error and confusion. 2. Lack of information centralization- Many patients keep their own records of blood sugars, weight and blood pressure by using various Internet tools. However, healthcare providers cannot access these records because they cannot streamline those records with EHR. 3. Security theft - Internet tools like Google health and Microsoft Vault provides conveni... ...idence of users by agreeing to the policy that the data submitted to their cloud platform will be kept confidential. (Ryan, 2011) The cloud computing is still under development but if it can manage to maintain information privacy and confidentiality than it will become revolutionary in healthcare field. And we never know, in future science and technology might introduce more advanced level of apps and service with enhanced level of privacy and security measures. Patient personalized health cards are also long underling technology that might provide patient a freedom of owning his/her PHI. Transferring data from one hospital to another wouldn’t be a challenge with this password protected health cards. Privacy wouldn’t be much of an issue as all the information is stored in the chip of the card that can be retrieve by a healthcare provider or by patient when needed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Emmett Till

Makayla Richards Mrs. Bonham Literature 101 5 March 2013 Emmett Till Research Paper Three Major Points: Lynching, Mississippi Trial, 1955 Thesis Statement: The murder of Emmitt Till was a murder that changed America The Emmett Till Case, 1955 Chilling Circumstances The story surrounding the death of Emmett Till provides chilling insight into the racism that dominated the South in the 1950s. Emmett was a fourteen-year-old Chicago native visiting his relatives in Mississippi.While out with his cousins and friends on the night of August 24, 1955 he allegedly whistled at a white woman in the grocery store owned by her husband. Stories vary as to what Till actually said or did. According to the woman Till grabbed her and made rude remarks. Some witnesses claimed that he only whistled at her. Still others assured that he made no problems at all, that he whistled continuously to control a speech defect. A Brutal Murder Roy Bryant considered his wife's life ruined by the incident. Several ni ghts after the episode, Bryant, his half brother J. W.Milam, and possibly others kidnapped Emmett from his relatives' house in the middle of the night. The two men beat him severely and, apparently saw that he had a picture of a white woman in his wallet, they shot Emmett and threw him in a nearby river. Several days later the body was found, and Bryant and Milam were charged with murder. A Surprise Verdict Mississippi politicians and newspapers condemned the murderers and promised justice. However, Mississippians became more defensive as the weeks passed. The Press attacked them with harsh judgment of racial violence in the South.The highly publicized trial of the two men was charged with racial tension. African-American politicians and reporters from the North were treated horribly and were segregated in the courtroom. The prosecution was poorly prepared, and the substance of the defense was the shocking claim that Till was not actually dead. The Killers Tell the Truth The truth o f what happened that night became public knowledge several months after the trial. William Bradford Huie, an Alabama journalist in Mississippi to report on the aftermath of the case, offered Bryant and Milam money to tell their story.Since the two could no longer be prosecuted for a crime of which they had already been accused of, they gladly told for a fee of how they had beaten and killed young Emmett Till. Huie reported what the killers told him in the January 24, 1956 issue of  Look magazine. Now publicly exposed as murderers, Bryant and Milam were shunned by the community, and both moved elsewhere within a year. Emmett Till in death became a saint for the civil rights movement, a symbol of the racial hatred African-Americans who had yet to overcome the situation.Citations: MLA Citation â€Å"Emmett Till†. Anti Essays. 23 Mar. 2013 APA Citation Emmett Till. Anti Essays. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from the World Wide Web: Source Citation:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Emmitt Till Case, 1 955. †Ã‚  Discovering U. S. History. Gale Research, 1997. Reproduced in Discovering Collection. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Gale Group. October, 2001. Stephen J. Whitfield,  A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till  (New York: Free Press, 1988). Source Database:  Discovering U. S. History

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Is Faster Economic Growth a Good Thing?

Is faster economic growth always a good thing? Argue the case for and against faster growth and then come to your conclusion. Economics growth has been studied in differences camps. economics, environmentalist and sociologist have been debating years about the causes and effects of this one, it is a fact that economic growth is link with life quality and the first one can affect the second one in positive and negative ways, this essay will expose a number of advantages and disadvantages of a rapid economic growth. The concept of â€Å"economic growth† 50 years ago was quite different from the concept nowadays, before, the concept focus on the industrialization and the economy of the country, until the seventies decade when the professor Dudley Seers introduces the concept with strong consequences in equality, unemployment rate, etc. Economic growth, it is describe in different economic dictionaries as â€Å"an increase in the  capacity of an economy to produce goods and services,  compared  from one  period of time to another†. And it is an important part in the development of the economy to permit the right utilization of the goods and the improvement of living standards; however, there are some cases that â€Å"economic growth† it is not a steeply process making a rapid economic growth which brought some positives and negatives consequences for the society. One advantage of the â€Å"growth†, it is definitely the fact that governments can reduce or eliminate the money borrowing, due to the tax revenue is higher and also there is less money spend on benefits for unemployed people, then there is an greater inversion in public services and education, which are important aspects in the measure of the development of a country. An increasing of outputs because of the growth, will generate that companies start to employ more and more workers to supply the necessities of the costumer, reducing the level of unemployment and at the same time making higher incomes, giving the opportunity to get more and better quality goods for consumers It is part of this phenomenon that consumer demand is going to increase leading to an increase as well in the investment this one can be implanted in different ways, one important is â€Å"technology† and innovations making easier and cheaper the production. conomic growth it is working as well improving the business confident making this one more interesting for international investment, this one has also a strong relationship with the unemployment mention before due to the investment will rise the level of employment and incomes. These group of advantages are a clearly prove of how important it is a rapid economic growth for the society, improving the life quality and making business profitable which increase the employment rate and income levels, we can find an example of this if we study the economy of some Asian country where a rapid economic growth produce that the percentage of people living with $1 a day decrease 12% from 1990 to 2004, however, there are some risks that we have to consider when the economy growth too quickly. When the process of economic growth is too quickly or â€Å"unsustainable† the results are not always good, one disadvantage of this kind of growth is the inflation that is the situation when the average of demand is higher than the average of supply leading an increase in the price of services and goods which is dangerous for the economy because it can be a reduccion in the real value of the money then an inflationary growth could stimulate a recession in the economy. Also if the economic growth is caused by an increase in the customer spending, causing a rise in the level of imports this one can be higher than the level of exports producing a deficit follow by balance of payments problems. Another problem of economic growth is that this one can increase inequality income and wealth, because sometimes all the benefit of the growth does not have a right distribution, economics measure that by the â€Å"Gini co-efficient† ant this have a big impact in the society such as corruption and regional, also the gap between rich and poor people can become bigger. A different negative factor of economic growth is the big impact of this one on the environment, According to Booth (1991, p. 552), the† long-run economic growth relies on the creation of new industries and new forms of economic activity, these new forms of economic activity create new kinds of environmental problems† and this problems are becoming worse every day, this is because the level of production and consumption of non renewable recourses has increases the same than the level of air pollution, waste, etc. Basically these are in general some of the advantages and disadvantages of a repid economic growth and we can see that this one play and important role in the increase of the life quality however is not coming risk free, the inequalitie of income a wheat can make an effect in the society the same that the enviroment effects, the important point is that we have to take actions of this a possible way to do it is the sustainable development that is defined In 1987 by the Bruntland Commission n Environment and Development as:†development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†.